What is the Best amp for Martin Logan

I would like to know what amps and pre/amp do you guys recomend to run martin logan home theater,front are ascent,theater center channel,aeon surround and will get a set of scrpts for back sorround.right now I have a B&K AMP MODEL 7270.I really like to know what is better than B&K for the same price?or maybe a little more money?

Odyssey Stratos Monos with caps(360000)upgrade! Call Odyssey Audio and tell them you speakers (Ascents). I have the same speakers and with the monoblocks, they ended my quest for amp-hunting!
Thanks everyone for your imput, I will check everyone of them,but what do you guys think about the B&K? one of the amp I got my eyes into it is the INNERSOUND ESL ,sound interesting the fact that is made for ESL speakers.any more imputs?