Electrocompaniet owners

I have owned and enjoyed Electrocompaniet's EMC-1 CD player for the past 2 years. I love the looks, build quality and especially the sound quality. I am considering buying either Electrocompaniet's seperates or one of their integrated amps. Who out there owns their seperates or integrated amps and uses them with EMC-1 CD player?
Tok, Pee in the sandbox and run, eh? To state that I "drug" (sp) the distributor through the mud" is preposterous. Didn't you read what happened? The MkII NorthAmerican/Euro costs were $4000/$2300 just before the DAC was announced, then went to $5000/$2800-equivalent with the DAC announcement, and to $5500/$3200 with the "UP" grade, for info to all concerned. I repeat that EC chose to SELL me the parts for an upgrade, probably at normal spare parts markup. Why can't you see the facts here clearly, like apparently everyone else? I'd really appreciate it if you could rewind, review, and stop blaming the messenger.
Subaruguru as a member of Audiogon you owe us the truth and you delivered. Anything but and you would have been just like the companies that can't explain things or do not want you to look inside their stuff because you would find out just what we paid all the money for. Everything in the high end is pretty much a rip off or close to it and as members of the hobby we know that. I am glad EC at least did this for you. Tok has his own opinion and so be it. Ernie , you did the right thing. Amen!
Ernie, while I wish you the best of luck, my only concern is if the parts are up to spec. Most of us don't have the necessary equipment to test them.
There isn't the SLIGHTEST question in my mind that their service manager (Vigleif) would send me anything but the correct "UP"grade parts. There's no reason to question his veracity. So it's now up to me to be especially careful to ensure proper installation. Hence I'll hire the head tech at Audio Lab in Cambridge to install these tiny diodes and their new saddled caps. I suppose he could check the diode function and cap "charge curve" (or whatever) beforehand, just in case. I'll try to start a thread to report findings to all (there over 800 views of the original "HELP Electro...." thread), as I do NOT want ECs reputation to be negaitively affected by the reporting of my unfortunate experience. G'night guys...and Judith.