Any pinnacle-quality SS unbalanced gear out there?

Rowland, Gamut, Pass...they're all balanced. (Why did these companies and others choose to go balanced; could it be just to facilitate longer ic runs?)
Anyhow, I'm looking for electronics in their league, but seeking to avoid exchange of my three pair of excellent single-ended ics. Suggestions??? (I know about Classé and conrad-johnson already, btw). Thanks.
BTW, the reason for balanced design is not, primarily at least, for longer runs but for lower distortion.
The SimAudio Moon amps have both balanced and unbalanced inputs and sound great, better IMHO than some of the makes mentioned above.
Actually, there are many amplifiers on the market with unbalanced inputs. The Monarchys can be added to the list. Go with any amp mentioned in this thread and you will be in very good shape (assuming power requirements are met).