I can't believe you all are so unsensitive/desentitized to the menace that now threatens us all over the world! And now, in our homes, while pumping gas. If a man can become a sniper right where my Wendy plays, then I and my brethren must do something about it!
My God man, don't you know there's a war going on out there!! Get with it, be a patriot, engrave everything you own, everyone you know, then finally, finally we'll all be safe.
I've got a better idea. While we're out roving for bad guys like snipers at night around suburbia, lets go a step farther, a step that will really help things. If everyone has a small - and yes, it will be small, no messing up our beautiful faces - mica thin computer disc under the skin of my forehead that can be tracked by satellites, then we'll never have anyone get lost from Alziehmer's Disease, and if I get in a car accident then they'll have my full medical records, and...
You know, I just "feel" better knowing that Poindexter - five time felon who said "the buck stops here" when defending his actions in violating US treaties prohibting weapon sales to Iran and having the CIA run coke to raise money for the "freedom fighters" - is now in charge of the Pentagon program that wants to monitor all internet exchanges and create files on everyone they deem a "threat"...
Oh my God, maybe someone just heard what I said!
But hey, at least we're all finally, er, safe.
Yea, putting numbers on boxes to deter serial killers is a great idea!