Ok this will be a good thread.

What in your opinion is the most important part of a good 2 channel system. Or what has the biggest impact on overall sound. For example if you feel Speakers are most important, or Preamp, Amp, Source. I am not looking for a ss vs. tube debate, just what do you feel is most important.

I will start:
I feel speakers are the most important part. I know lots of you are going to say electronics, but keep it to one part, like Preamp, Amp, etc.
Twl, while I am a bit new here-abouts, I compliment you in the consistency of your posts your posts, and you don't mind taking on the whole room in the process. Any such person, I do admire. Your posts are informative and provacative. thank you. Oh, having said that, you might be thinking that I will be adding the proverbial 'but' to my sentence.

[anything preceeding the word 'but' in the English sentence is to be regarded...]

Well, no. I have started with the source. The reason for this has to do with a visit to the McIntosh local outlet where I was auditioning the new six-channel solid state amp and then I asked the salesman to play the same piece with the McIntosh Mc 2102 tube amp. I was so shocked that i accused him of changing speakers when he plugged in the other amp. My God, the differance was so great that i had to go back with him behind the wall and watch him re-connect the cables to prove it was the same speakers. this proved the amp can make a huge differance. I have started with the amp...yes i bought the 2102 and I now own a really high-end Cd player. I shall soon be doing an addition to my house to hold it all and only then will I be changing speakers.

i all the others are indeed correct...I have lots to look forward to!
Thanks, Unclejeff. I almost forgot about this old thread. It was a tough battle. Only partly successful. But, that's the way things are around here. If you can get through to some of the people, you are doing well.