Belles 350A or Spectron Musician II

Considering these two amps to pair with my Proac D15's and Cary 303/200 cd player. I've enjoyed my Bel Canto Evo 200.2, but I have the itch to change. I am intrigued by comments about Spectron perhaps outdoing Bel Canto, and also the great reviews of the Belles, particularly with the midrange, where Bel Canto seems sometimes a bit too analytical. Any experienced comments are appreciated.
I have only heard the Belles 150 and I had the Spectron in my home system about two months ago. I preferred my Kinergetics KBA-75 to the spectron beacuse it sounded more musical. The specton was very very clear but did not really sound like 500 wpc. The music seemed to come from the speakers forward but no depth the the sound. The Belles is also very musical and you need to know what will match with your speakers. I have B&Ws and they need a high current amp so I ended up with the Pass X-250 out of all the amps I auditioned.
My experience is a little different than BigKidz as I
have found the Spectron D-1 (Musician II on order) to be very musical (and powerful)
compared to the many other amps I have owned in the past.
It has been like a veil (I know we all have heard that before) lifted but has to be heard to
know what I mean.

Like he say's, it is very very clear,(you can almost "see" fingers & pick plucking a guitar) but I also get great depth.
The review is one of the very few reviews I have read (D-1)
that had me going yea I hear that and I agree with that
and so on and so on and have no doubt I will agree with
the review of the M II when I get it.
It has been the best amp I have ever heard & owned to date (D-1) and
I heard the Musician II is 10% better than the Digital 1
so I will know in a week or so when it get's here along
with my new Green Mountain Continuum 3's.
I was using the D-1 with Maggies and it was the best I have
heard any of my Maggies sound in the past.

Again it could all boil down to system synergy I guess.
I'v not heard the Belles. I'm using the Spectron Musician 11 on the Dunlavy Aletha speakers. The Spectron sounds so smooth and liquid. Its one of the best sounding solid state amps i'v heard.

I am considering a purchase of the Spectron, what other amps have you owned/used in comparision to it?