Integrated: SS or Tube?

I'm currently using a Rowland Concentra II integrated, and while it's a great amp, I am wondering if I should go to a tube integrated amp. The Tenor is out, too expensive. The new BAT integrated tube is interesting. What about the Jadis DA60? Any feedback about this amp? I use the amp primarily for music.

Remainder of system is: 47 labs digital front end, silversmith digital and interconnects, analysis plus oval 9 biwire speaker cable, von schweikert vr5 hd speakers.

I personally think Brian is dead on. I've been known to make some hasty choices now and again. I've gone some a solid state integrated to a hybrid integrated a couple times and have gone back both times. It was my choice. I decided I liked the solid state better. Most likely because I was making a step sideways. If you just think you want a change, I've been there. But the Concentra is supposed to be a fantastic integrated. Take note of exactly what you feel you are lacking, or better yet, take note of what peaks your interest into tubes, and go from there.
I basically agree with the previous posters, but just wanted to add that the BAT is tubed in the preamp section only, not the power amp section.