Inexpensive tweak

Just got back from a business trip to find that our cat had thrown up on my Audible Illusions preamp (unfortunately vented on top). Everything was dried up. Haven't looked inside yet. Not sure how to clean a circuit board. But I've noticed that my system is more revealing than before. I won't share details of exactly where on the preamp my cat got sick because I might want to try to market this tweak sometime in the future. :-)
You know, I wasn't going to bring this up because I thought it would be just too embarassing, but since Rockyboy's confession, I feel I can speak freely now, without fear of ridicule:

I've noticed that every time my dog farts anywhere near my tube amp, which is placed on a sandbox on my floor (keep your friggin cats away from my sandbox please!), that the tubes suddenly seem to glow brighter and there is a sudden surge in power and corresponding bass response. The bass gets tighter and more defined! I swear, I'm not shittin' you guys! I was thinking of marketing something like a plug-in automatic aerosol dispenser, you know, like those air-freshener do-dads with the plastic flower scents. You'd plug it in to a convenient outlet nearby your tube component(s) and have it dispense a steady stream of synthesized dog farts to keep those tubes glowing brightly. Now I guess I'd have to do some R&D on this one..not exactly as cheap as cat vomit, but man, I've never heard the low end so tight as when Diesel lets one rip near that amp!
We have a cat that throws up every time he eats (I think he has a stomach disorder). The vet says he's otherwise in perfect health.
We might have to get our cat together with Cardas or Nordost and market him ... say $500 per visit plus our travel expenses !
So we can add cat barf to fairy dust and snake oil .. hey you either believe in it or you don't.
your rig always sounds better after you've been away for awhile...
You do need to get out more!

I'd happily take $500 for the cat except that wife refuses to sell. However, I'll trade wife for a 2 meter pair of FMS interconnects! I'd rate wife 10/10 and cat 9/10 only because the cat no longer comes when you call it. Heck, I can't lie; the cat never came when I called it. And neither does the wife!