Giving up on Power Race, and going SET?

Has anyone completely turned around and went back with "primitive" audio components. Set and Horn's? I listened Avantgardes and they completely changed my outlook on whole stereo hobby. Unfortunately very good horns are rare as the price of the Avantgardes indicates. I would like to hear from the enthusiasts that went back to basics! Thanks!
Unsound, you're right, it doesn't have to be an all or nothing decision. And I try not to say(although I am guilty of implying) that others should not go in different directions. Heck, if they really like something else, then they should have it. I mean, if I was a pipe organ junkie, and liked to hear it at live cathedral volume levels, I wouldn't have the system that I do. That would be trying to listen to music that struck right at the heart of the weaknesses in my current system.

I'll give you an example. Bishopwill and I used to have a running discussion about the need for deep bass. I stuck to my guns, and when he wanted a set of speakers for his bedroom system, he told me he would try a set of Lowthers because I was so high on them. Now this is a guy that actually gave what I am saying a shot, in his own home. This is the first guy I know about that actually listened instead of making a pre-judgment. I respect that greatly. And you know, he actually liked them alot. He didn't wind up getting them, because the cabinets were too big for the bedroom, but he became aware of what the single driver sound can be. And he liked it alot. And he is an organ music lover who really needs deep bass for the music he likes to listen to. No, the Lowthers didn't do that, but he really appreciated them for what they did do well.Now he knows first hand what this type of speaker can and cannot do. I don't fault him at all for not getting them. He had his reasons that were completely valid.

I'm very glad that you are interested in auditioning a system of this type. It may or may not be for you. But at least you will know what these systems can do. I strongly recommend using a vinyl source for the audition, because these systems can be very revealing, and may pass a little too much of the digital nasties to be palatable. At least that is my opinion.

I know sometimes I come on very strong about certain issues, but I'm not trying to be an S.O.B.

Sometimes it just takes a little extra zest to get people to try something different.

I just felt that I needed to get some of this stuff off my chest, because it was getting to me that people actually think I am listening to a distorted system. Jeez! I don't like distortion any more than the next guy. Euphonic or otherwise. I like it clean, and that's why I felt so compelled to say something about it. My system is clean, man. It is not full of any kind of distortion. It's just as clean as anything out there, and maybe cleaner. I want people to know that they are not moving to a distorted system, just because they select a SET amp or a single driver speaker. I wouldn't have to have said any of this if there hadn't been this movement to "tag" the SET amps with the distortion label. Sorry if I over did it.
I don't know or care how any piece of audio gear measures. I don't understand why anyone would care. What would some people do if an amp, pre, or speaker offered no measurements.
Maybe i feel this way because I don't know a thing about electronics. Still, how would a person make a decision about what speakers or electronics to buy if they came without measurments. Could it be possible that they would have to listen to make a decision? My goodness, I can't imagine such a thought. I have been such a fool for all these years because i never once considered how a component or speaker measured. Never again will I buy another speaker, amp, or whatever just because it sounds good.
I am so ashamed that I have considered myself an audiophile all these years. I don't know if I will ever be able to live with myself. I plead for forgiveness for my ignorance. And to think I had the nerve to post on threads.
Hanging my head low, hiding my face. Gonna drink a fifth of rum right now. Unless it doesn't measure the right amount of alcohol, cause it really doesn't matter how it tastes.
Brulee, your disregard of measurement data is a very extreme position. There is nothing inherently right/wrong or positive/negative in measurement data, it is simply information to be used (or misused). Furthermore, is there any real difference between information gathered by purely electrical probes or that gathered by biological means. Your ear/brain is just another measurement device. Should it really be given primacy in ever case? Maybe, but then again, maybe not.
Brulee, i wish you send this exact post to John Atkinson. He is the proponent of "...good sounding must measure good... otherwise..." You know the outcomes: Kr Enterprises, PS Audio...etc.