Pro or hi-fi amp, which one would you choose?

I would perfer a pro amplifer because I am familar with them and are built like a tank. They also perform flawlessly in sound production and are reliable. Some might disagree with me but hi-fi amps are way to expensive. What are the qualitys you get from Krell that QSC doesn't have or vs. versa? What are the benefits? I would like to know what you think.
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If I could make a suggestion, listen to the QSC amp and listen to a Krell amp. If you like the QSC amp better buy it, if you like the Krell amp better buy that. It all comes down to what you like best. Many people like different gear for different reasons. There are some very good amps out there that I will not buy because of poor service, etc. It really comes down to your personal choice because when you take it home and power it up it has to please you.
I think the line is becoming blurred between so-called "pro" gear and consumer products -- at least in terms of sound quality. There are companies that have made mostly "pro" gear that are now making consumer products, and vice versa. Two examples that comes to mind are Bryston, which for many years was regarded mainly as a "pro" gear manufacturer (but is now highly regarded as a maker of high-end gear for the home), and AudioControl, maker of equalizers now used in cars, recording studios, and the home.

With the widespread success of home theater, many buyers want the reliability of "pro" gear with the features and sound quality of good home gear. I think we will see this cross-fertilization between pro and consumer gear continue.
Pro gear typically has far more protection circuitry, is narrow bandwidth, much slower in transient response, uses a lot more negative feedback, etc... resulting in what most consider to be "sterility". Most pro designs and design philosophies that are in current use are the same that they used in the "THD wars" i.e. "if it measures fabulous, it will sound good" or "if they measure good, they will all sound the same". This approach is what gave much of SS a bad name in terms of sounding "hard, lifeless and sterile".

To be fair though, there have been changes amongst many pro designs. Most of the changes have been to the power supply i.e. making them lighter, smaller, more efficient, easier to transport and cheaper to produce. As such, bass attack and sustain have suffered as well in most of these designs. There are pro power amps rated for 200 wpc @ 8 and 200 wpc @ 4. What does that tell you about the power supply and current capacity of the output stage ??? Yet it is one of the best selling pro amps to come down the line as it is relatively cheap, highly reliable and comes from a major manufacturer with a lot of industry clout.

When it comes to hi-end audio reproduction, there is no substitute for balls out circuitry that doesn't need protection "band aids", is designed with finesse and uses high grade parts. Pro power amps simply have to turn on, stay on and take the abuse. If it sounds like crap, you've got compressors, EQ's and a rack full of effects to try and make up for it. Different products for different markets.

As such, we have two different types of products that are marketed according to wants and needs of that specific industry. If you are strictly looking for "oomph" and rock concert reproduction, buy and use a pro amp and the associated equipment to take advantage of such power levels. If you are looking for something that sounds far more refinined, is capable of finesse and detail at any given listening level, you'll have to step up to the plate and buy an amp that has more thought put into it than just assembling a power supply, output stage and adding protection circuitry. Sean
Cdc: That's a good link. If you want to see what "pro's" think about an amplifier and what they expect out of them, read some of the other reviews on that website. Like i said, so long as they power up, stay up and don't present a hassle to use, they are "good enough". Sean