Pro or hi-fi amp, which one would you choose?

I would perfer a pro amplifer because I am familar with them and are built like a tank. They also perform flawlessly in sound production and are reliable. Some might disagree with me but hi-fi amps are way to expensive. What are the qualitys you get from Krell that QSC doesn't have or vs. versa? What are the benefits? I would like to know what you think.
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Cdc: I was not so much talking about active speakers as i was active bi / tri / quad amplification i.e. no passive crossovers between amp and speaker drivers.

While i do think that active speakers could offer benefits in the fact that specific ( corrective ) equalization curves could be factored into the amplifier design. The only problem with this is that one is stuck with the design attributes of that specific amplifier. Personally, i prefer the options of picking and choosing amplifiers as i don't think that they are all created equally or sound the same. Active speakers don't allow you to "pick and choose". Sean