Strangest Tweak?

Bricks atop amps, sandbads atop speakers,snake oil? And i am sure this is only the tip of the iceberg...
I've recently gotten into the tweak thing and now I can't imagine my system without the tweaks. Every carefuly placed cone adds to the sonic characteristics of my system. It's fun to play and manipulate the sound. It doesn't necessarily change for the better by switching things around. Sometimes change is just good for change's sake. Better than spending tons of money to upgrade to something that's different. My latest tweak that made a nice difference were Totem Beaks. They actually blew me away and they are on my speakers to stay.
Much has happened since this thread started in 2003. The Totem Beaks frankly don't seem so strange seven years later.
Why should something that works be strange? Typically, many people have opinions about things they have never tried or not tried in the same way others have tried them. So their opinions are just opinions. If something works it works. The Totem beaks work for certain speakers and I have discovered they work INCREDIBLY WELL with my EMM CDSA SE. All the talk about how these little things can't possibly work is just a lot of hot air exhaled by people who have no experience with them -- or whose experience was not successful so they generalize their experience. Now that's a VERY big step to take because the synergy of every system is different and a small change that may do nothing at all in one system may make a HUGE difference in another.
I completely agree. I find it funny when people say "There's no way that will make any difference" as if there's some sort of mystery or magic at work when someone says it does. Most of what people hear can and has been so easily explained, that to say that science doesn't explain it is just silly.
We make a change to our system. It looks different, smells different, seems different, whatever. Even if the output of the system is exactly the same (which in most of these cases it almost certianly is), it will sound different to us because how it sounds depends on how we process what we hear. How we process is directly affected by the change we made.
The only mystery to me is that we act like we don't know this.