I'm depressed, my system hurts my ears.Please help

I've been enjoying my stereo for quite some time now, but my latest component addition is hurting my ears. My system is as follows:

Music Hall CD25 CD player
McIntosh MC2105 amp (30 year old amp)
Joseph Audio RM22si signatures
Signal Cable Analog 2 interconnects
Kimber 4TC biwired speaker cable
Denon AVR1700 HT receiver as preamp

With the Denon the system sounded pretty good, but it was the obvious weak link, and was actually performing its own unnecessary A to D to A conversion). I swapped the Denon for a Creek OBH12 passive. I added the Creek because in my careful, volume leveled comparisons of the Denon compared to no pre at all, no pre was much cleaner and more natural (I an use no pre because amp has volume knobs).

So I put in the Creek passive to keep that clarity along with switching and an easy volume control, but now I can't sit in the sweet spot of my speakers and listen, because my ears start to hurt at volume levels that used to be just fine. Is this clipping due to an impedance matching problem? Is this just me receiving the full spectrum of the sound and my ears can't handle it? I remember having a similar problem with a very nice car stereo I installed, it sounded very good but always hurt my ears compared to my worse sounding older car stereo.

I almost wish I had never started down the audiophile path, this is depressing. It's tough to do swapping style comparisons because once my ears start hurting, any music will make them hurt until they have a chance to recover. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
I have had the same thing happen to me at live concerts. Much more often at amplified ones than unamplified ones. There are moments when silence is golden. Especially if you expect the musical ones to be golden. The point I'm trying to make is give your ears a break.
I have the placette passive (pure vishay S102K resistors) and have the same problem to some extent. I fixed it by adding an SCE harmonic recovery system HRS. It really adds to the sound. I still thought the sound was electronic so I upgraded the power supply caps and rectifier diodes, added 3m vibration sheets all over, and upgraded the signal path resistors to Vishay S102Ks. The result...outstanding. Totally natural sound with great dynamics. One other thing that helps is to swab eco antistatic goop on the components from time to time. It takes the edge off of the sound and allows you to hear much more into the soundstage.
Zug: interesting. A check with headphones would quickly establish the problem as either room-related or digititis.
Do it, Matt.

I think the walker noise killer will help your
system without losing the transparency.Try it
works with my 2 system.
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