Any comments on Jeff Rowland Design Model 9

This is my current set-up: wadia Cd + JRDG Coherence + JRDG Model 8Ti + MIT Oracle + Avalon Radian HC.

I am thinking of changing my JRDG Model 8Ti to the relatively old JRDG Model 9. I gathered that the Radian needs a powerful amp and I think the 8Ti may not be up to the job. On the other hand, I am worried that the model 9 could be a bit "slow". Your advise and comments would be very much appreciated.

Also, does anybody has an idea on the current market of the mdoel 9?

I own the Eidolon Diamond (moved up from the Eidolon last year). The Eidolon Diamond, Eidolon and Radian/HC all seem to have the same loading characteristics according to Avalon's website (4 ohms nominal impedence, 3.6 ohms minimum; not sure of rated sensitivities). My power amplifier is the 50 wpc Accuphase A-50V (which I also used previously with the Eidolon). I can't imagine that the Model 8 in all its versions would not have enough drive for your Radian HC's. I am not sure of the current capabilities of any of these fine amplifiers.
"I gathered that the Radian needs a powerful amp and I think the 8Ti may not be up to the job. "
A priori, that's nuts. The 8ti has plenty of power for any speaker. Are you unhappy with the sound you're getting?
I have owned Radians and Model 8Ti in the past and to me it was more then enough power. Now this is just me. If you want to go for a Model 9 I would call Rowland and ask about upgrades to 9Ti. Can you post why you feel you need more power? What is the size of your room?