C-J Premier 12's vs. ARC VT100 MKII--advice?

I'm always thinking about upgrading something--you know how it is. An amp I always wanted to try is the Conrad Johnson Premier 12 monos-blocs. My question is, would they be an upgrade from my ARC VT100 MKII? The ARC is an excellent amp. However my impression from reading about the P12's is that they would probably sound more "lush", & possibly have a better soundstage & depth. Any comments? Used Premier 12's seem to be going for around $3500 used--they are discontinued--but being replaced by a new model (possible reason to hold off?)

Rest of my system: VTL TL2.5 preamp w/phono stage, Cary 303/200 CDP, Fanfare tuner, Rega P25 w/Benz Glider, alternating between B&W M802SIII & Merlin TSM-M speakers. Cables are Nordost Blue Heaven between CDP & pre-amp, & DH Labs bi-wire speaker cables.

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
I do not know about the amplifiers but the Nordost Blue Heaven ICs are a little thin for my taste, I would change them first, try Acoustic Zen WOW ICs for about $150 each used.
I would think they would do very well with the rest of your components especially with vinyl. Yes, soundstaging is one of CJ's strong suites. I do not agree with Brulee about CJ being too coloured.I have always found CJ equipment to be extremely accurate with most other equipment being too sterile and uninvolving. I have considered buying a pair of 12a's myself...3500 I feel is a good price for a pair of 12a tubed mono-blocks. However, I believe I will hold out for a pair of 8a's or maybe go with one of CJ's new tube amps.

Agree with Philjolet.
ARC is more transparent, so you probably can tune the sound by changing your interconnects and cables. Nordost is on the opposite side of what you are moving to based on your description. Use a warmer IC and cables first, see if you like it or not, cheaper test. Merlin is transparent also, so you need warmer ICs. Try some cables first, if not work, then pre/power amp's.
i would prefer the cj as well. the twelves are awsome amps. i also agree that the 8s if you can swing it are much more dynamic. good luck on your search.
Thanks for all the advice. One thing I'm wondering is: can one assume that a tube amp from one mfg. with a given # & type of tubes, will have roughly the same power output as an amp from a different mfg, with the same # & type of tubes? I know that is somewhat simplistic, & would also depend on the power supplies used in each case. I'm asking because, my ARC VT100 has 8 6550 output tubes, & the Premier 12's have 4 6550's per side. Can I assume that the VT100 & the P12's would each have about the same power capabilities, say if I use them with my M802's which like quite a bit of power? (A reason I'm a bit doubtful of the wisdom of this move--altho I'd be changing amps to get a different sound, more power would be nice too). BTW I made note of the suggestions to change wire, & to hold out for Premier 8's.......I think they might be too heavy (90 lbs. each) to be practical unfortunately.

thanks again, steve