Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
Well I feel sorry for those that must deceive. We have 3 checkbooks in our house mine, hers and the household. We share household expensises equally after that what is hers is hers and what is mine is mine. My only mistake was making the prommise that I would not buy another piece of equipment untill I was out of debt. Now if i so much as look at a piece of gear I get the look. I do tell her about all of my purchases as I feel it is only right. I added a Soundbridge and a 400GB hard drive to the system this spring with a portion of my bonus and still got in trouble. It wasn't for the purchase of the equipment or even the amount spent $400.00 total but that dam promice.

Have fun.
every now and then we have a conversation that goes something like this:

"that looks new, when did you get it???"

Oh, I got that a long time ago.

"and those look really expensive, how much did they cost you??"

Well I bought them used, and got an incredible deal. I really couldn't pass it up. They really didn't cost that much, and besides when you factor in what I sold the one's they replaced for, well it wasn't much at all.

. . . married 29 years . . .
I am married to a wonderful woman,she knows my audio obsession all to well,but I still need to lie about the prices,I usually tell 70% of what I actually paid.She like clothes and the like and she buys on a regular basis,I don't complain or care much.Back in January of this year I noticed a deal on a Rogue Zeus that I always wanted and guess what the seller was located ni a nearby town.A local deal! Wow I couldn't pass that one.I arranged with the seller to go and pick up,and that afternoon after work I told my wife that I was going to the gym(I actually do go to the gym 3-4 times aweek)
I got lost on my way to the sellers place and by the time I picked up the unit and came back it was around 10 at night.My wife and two kids were sleeping.I had the Zeus at the back of my truck but it was very cold night,minus 30(I am in Toronto,Canada)and since I couldn't leave the amp in subzero temperatures overnight or call my brother-in-law for help,I decided against all odds to bring the monster amp in the house by myself.I did!!! Slowly and steady step by step I brought it in.It took me half an hour to haul it in from my driveway to the front door (aproximately 30 feet plus a six steps stairs)For those unfamiliar the Zeus weights 220lbs.
All those years in the gym lifting the dumbells paid off.
Long live high-end.
Guys one more thing ,wait till I tell you what happened when I bought my Aerial 10T from Gilbert at Blue Circle.
But that's for another day.
Sheffb is so right !! All upgrades should go unnoticeable !!
Audio cies surely don't take care of their true customers. Why always change the design for every wife to notice !!!??? I say all upgrades should come from power supply, cables, interconnects or behind the shelf stuff !!

By the way, all hobbies (for men) are afflicted by the same damnation. Talk to dealers in model building, aquariums, astronomy or audio, they all know the tricks, the cheats, the white lies about purchases in their stores. They all will supply you graciously with new lies if you become dry in this department ! !!! I know !!!!Because I've spoken to so many of them !! Because I'm in all of these hobbies.... You should hear the stories about rare tropical fish buying and some very expensive telescopes that some guys try to pass for tools in their garages !!!! Hell....you can't keep a fish hidden behind a curtain for weeks !! Those things are temperemental !!! What a crazy life !!!