I am also extremely sexy, but having been married for 21 years now, I am neither rich nor famous. I can live without fame, thank you, but the other thing sounds kind a nice.
We have one name, two checking accounts. Even so, Wife knows what high-end audio costs. I leave "Stereophile"s lying around the house - unlike *some* Daddy Mags, at least the kids won't become perverts from reading them. (I hope.) Also she has gone with me when I've shopped for upgrade components. Hey, it was her suggestion that we buy our first "real" speakers - Magnepans, back when we were only a few months married. What a keeper she was and is.
Woodworking, oy. I too took that up as a hobby (hey, I can build custom racks now, right?) but I fell into the woodworker's High End. Japanese handtools - the Audio Note of deceptively simple bits of steel and oakwood. Lookk at the Hida Tool website. They're in Berkeley.) I could use a set of new chisels, but I need a dCS Verdi also, and it costs less.
When a Purcell shows up at the doorstep in this obviously well-made flight case, there really isn't much point in my concealing what I spent on it. At least Nordost Valhalla doesn't look expensive. She had a cool expression on her face though when I told her it was "part of a CD player". "I thought we had a whole one.", quoth she.
"Look, sweetie! A new preamp!"
"That's okay, dear. The sleigh bed comes next week. Sign for it, willya?"
Yes, dear.
cheers aporigine
We have one name, two checking accounts. Even so, Wife knows what high-end audio costs. I leave "Stereophile"s lying around the house - unlike *some* Daddy Mags, at least the kids won't become perverts from reading them. (I hope.) Also she has gone with me when I've shopped for upgrade components. Hey, it was her suggestion that we buy our first "real" speakers - Magnepans, back when we were only a few months married. What a keeper she was and is.
Woodworking, oy. I too took that up as a hobby (hey, I can build custom racks now, right?) but I fell into the woodworker's High End. Japanese handtools - the Audio Note of deceptively simple bits of steel and oakwood. Lookk at the Hida Tool website. They're in Berkeley.) I could use a set of new chisels, but I need a dCS Verdi also, and it costs less.
When a Purcell shows up at the doorstep in this obviously well-made flight case, there really isn't much point in my concealing what I spent on it. At least Nordost Valhalla doesn't look expensive. She had a cool expression on her face though when I told her it was "part of a CD player". "I thought we had a whole one.", quoth she.
"Look, sweetie! A new preamp!"
"That's okay, dear. The sleigh bed comes next week. Sign for it, willya?"
Yes, dear.
cheers aporigine