Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
No way. Not me. Definitely not. Wouldn’t even cross my mind. Mislead my wife about audio gear purchases? What kind of person would do such a thing? Not this guy. I don’t have to. As I have explained to my wife on many occasions, I am diligent about researching all options prior to any purchase. The fact that I am able to acquire new gear at a mere fraction of the list price has to do with my brilliant negotiation skills and the well- thought-out strategies I employ during the purchasing process. The fact that dealers have been welling to take a loss for me is only to the benefit of my lovely wife and family. Really people, some of you need to rethink your scruples.

A loving husband.
Deceive is such an ugly word, gently misdirect maybe, but deceive never. Just once though, I would like her to say, that she can hear the difference with a new toy. Is that so difficult, too much to ask? It will never happen, but I know, we know, every change makes a night and day difference.
No, but I do an excessive amount of preparation for how and what I will tell her. Get all of the possible retorts covered and reasons/methods to overcome them - sort of like computer software game theory. I am not opposed to attempts of guilting her into agreement. However, she still has an advantage over me in that she is an aging female and at times trumps my well rehearsed combinatorial logic with hormone-influenced diatribes. Fellas, you young ones, will find out what I mean at some point in your relationship. It is inevitable. Sorry to break the news to you.
Hello Phaelon,
I won't touch that with a ten-watt pole - though I am tempted! Oh what the hey.
Have you SEEN the gatefold in the September "Pentode"? heeheeheeee
Audiobb, yes, to me, the difference between the words girlfriend and wife is like the difference between the words new and old. Quite large, if you will. I'm sure if you are with her long enough she will 'guide' you towards marriage, and if she's a smart girl, she'll even make you think that it was your idea. As they use to say on 'Ally McBeal', men are guided by their 'dumbstick'.

As for GG cables, yes I had a friend lend me a pair of Extreme interconnects and I bought a pair of Revelation speaker cables (which I will sell when I get motivated). The GG's have that great tonal quality that I've only heard from gold, but IMS, IMHO, the Jade Audio cables offer the same tonality, with a much better soundstage. So I'm currently using all Jade interconnects (Hybrid and Vermeil) and I'm still waiting for my Vermeil speaker cables to come in. I did prefer the PAD Dominus speaker cables to the GG Revelations, though I have since replaced the PAD speaker cables with Stealth Hybrid MLT speaker cables. I had a beta test run of the Jade Vermeil speaker cable, which had me very excited, though that was many months ago, and before I heard the Stealth Hybrid MLT's. I still look forward to hearing the production run of J.D.'s cables.
