Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
My wife has stopped asking. Therefore, I've stopped bending the truth.

I used to think she didn't know when a change was made. Ha! Then one day I changed out a black ARC preamp for a different black ARC preamp with the same number of knobs, switches, etc. She walked by a few days later and said "hey that's different". I was so suprised there was no way to get out of it through obvious double-talk, the trade up stories, etc. The worst part was, it wasn't even mine, I was just playing with a friends pre and re-tubing it for him.

A while back she came up with a new scheme (my music room had become relatively packed with gear by then). The new rule became that if I brought something in, I had to remove something of equal volume. She would actually stand there with a tape measure and calculate volume as I brought things in. That backfired however, when I figured out I could remove equipment in advance of a pending purchase. I'd be hauling stuff out, declaring it's volume and explain it was for the new speakers I hadn't gotten yet.

Then I finally broke down and got a 3rd job that just paid for the audio hobby alone. That pretty much stopped the issue in it's tracks. I explain up front that she should expect to see a new XXX in about 6 months. 6 months later you can have 3 buddies over to haul it in, make a mess, make noise far too late into the night and it goes just fine. Maybe being straight about everything but price helps. We both know she doesn't want to know.

I'm glad to see this thread again. I re-read the whole thing and it made me laugh again many times.
5 simple rules to deceiving the Mrs:

1) When buying, always tell her it cost only a fraction (at least 50%) of what you aytually paid.

2) When selling, always tell her you got way more than what you actually got (assuming you already have a reserves for the replacement).

3) Never pay by credit card for the full amount: only what is allowable. And, show only the credit card receipt as the entire cost.

4) Remember, once you have 3 of one thing, getting 4,5,6 is too much for her to keep track of.

5) Have a couple of kids...Gets her too busy to scrutinize your system (although this is dicey because you too will get busy)
This definitely takes the cake for most hilarious post on the 'gon.

I have a pretty nice rig. I have never told the truth regarding cost of any component.

In fact, I bought my line arrays a month before I got married. When asked how much they cost, I gave the price of one speaker. Since it was still comfortably less than the price of the engagement ring, it was 'acceptable.'

Keep 'em coming!
this is certainly not a sugestion,but i just got rid of my wife.THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION.
Well to all that lie about Audio, just imagine what your wife may be less then honest about, now thats funny!