Pass Labs Xono - Any users out there?

Any users of this unit here on the 'Gon? Having a time finding folks with practical experience with them. All input appreciated. Eveen hearsay at his point!
Beware the x-ono with the smaller black power supply. This is the supply for the original Ono. This product being offered on close out as hybrid cosmetics and the same electronics as the x-ono is not true at all. The real x-ono has a full size power supply that gives it the warmer tone. The hybrid is really nothing more than an ono in disguise.
Hmmm. If that is the case, and you have proof, Reb, I would think that those who have purchased them would have a claim for false advertising. I have seen the same deal posted on the Galen Carol site. Galen Carol is reputed to be beyond reproach, so I would like to know your sources for what you state, Reb. What say you, Donem?
Why don't you call Pass Labs directly. I did as I was also seriously considering the "closeout" deal. The information I post was told to me by Pass Labs themselves- albeit after about a 10 minute conversation. The warmer tone may only be audible on speakers over 96db efficiency- according to Pass. And I was told the full size supply has larger storage caps and differences in circuit board layout. Do with the information as you choose.
I did call Pass Labs up. From a functional and voltage output standpoint, the units are the same. Obviously in the larger chassis there is an opportunity to open up the circuit layout, since there is more room. It was explained to me that the style of capacitor may have changed, but again, a large part of this difference is cosmetic, in the size and type aluminum used in the chassis. They do a lot of offshore business, and this market wanted the full size chassis. Plus, the Aleph Ono had an internal power supply, so obviously there is a difference there.


I got the same info from Pass. The person I spoke to told me that on his own system at home he ran both the X-1 and X-ONO off one original small power supply and didn't hear any difference, and that if he had, all he had to do was take one or two larger power suppies home. At one point I ran both the X-1 and X-ONO off one smaller power supply (space reasons) and I certainly didn't hear any differnce.