you may want to try the sister site for some tips
Any photography experts out there?
your canon should be fine...some tips try to shoot in natural light without the flash especially for close ups if they come out too dark increase the iso film speed setting. find out what your cameras close focusing distance is...if your are closer than the lens can focus your pics will be blurry. stay with neutral backgrounds...not white or black...these can fool your meter to under or overexpose the pics. this should get you started...or confused. alan |
Use a single light such as daylight (or tungsten and proper camera settings), and use white cardboard to fill shadows and provide the reflections for your equipment. Nature provides only one light and often that is all that is required in product lighting. I use this method, employing aluminum foil covered flats and white boards too. If possible, download a trial version of Photoshop (one of the simple versions). This will allow you to lighten, darken and do color corrections as well as sizing the image to Audiogon's requirements. Samples of my photography may at the link below. I do many products for audio advertisers. |