Desperately seeking the elusive tube sound


I'm trying to convert my SS system to an all tube system and came up with some bothering questions:

Q1: If you have a tube CDP and an SS pre and amp, when listening, are you listening to the tube CDP or to the SS pre and/or SS amp?

Q2: If you have a tube CDP and a tube pre but with a SS amp, are you listening to the tube sound of the CDP, to the tube sound of the pre, or to the SS amp's sound?

Q3: If you finally have an all tube set-up (CDP, Preamp, Amp), when listening, to which tube sound are you listening? Is it the 7308 of the CDP, the 12AU/12AX7 of the pre or the KT 88's of the amp?

Q4: Do I need professional help?

Thank you very much. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this.
I stumbled on to a 1962 Sherwood S-7700 II tube Reciever at a garage sale for $25! The unit is mint! All original Sherwood/Mullard tubes reading 90%! I connected this to a pair of Electro-Voice 12TRX' "there" is the elusive sound of tubes! Those 7868 output tubes sure do sing!