Best Tube recommendation for Jadis Orchestra Reff.

Want to upgrade the tubes on my Jadis Orchestra Reff, and looking for the best fit - don't mind spending for value.
Saffy, as I said: Stick with your KT90, but get a matched quad and if money is not an object, try to get a matched pair of the fabulous ECC803s by Telefunken. But then that is overkill. An ordinary well matched and tested pair of normal Tele ECC83 will do you nicely, but insist on the diamond markings and good specs. Newbees advice about the Jugo driver tubes in your other thread is very good and they are readily available and cost much less! As far as the Teles are concerned, there are so many fakes floating around, that it is difficult to know beforehand, what you will get, unless you have a well tested and reliable source.
What about high quality KT-88s' ?
I hear that although less powerful, they have better dynamics and bass.
Now I would say that the contrary is true. The KT88, though more expensive and less reliable, have a sweeter midrange on this type of gear.The KT90 is more dynamic and a little "rough" in comparison. However here opinions vary and the proof lies in the listening. If you are really set on KT 88s and don't mind spending the money, I'd go for those types which are on ebay right now and forget about all the rest: