Best 5 ch. amp used - 2500-3500.00 price

Please give me your opinions. Speakers are all vandersteen, preamp is current Lexicon DC 1. Thank you.
I would recommend for the EAD PowerMaster 2000. It is a great amp for HT as well as music. I have sold my Sonic Frontiers Power 3 because I was so happy with it. It HT it never runs out of juce. You can buy used here for around $3k.
good luck.
I am using the Bryston 9B THX with a Lexicon MC 12B. They seem to work great together and I have been very pleased. I am using Sonus Faber speakers for all five channels and this also seems to be a great combination.
Get the 2 channel Adcom 5500, and the Adcom 5503. Its 200 watts for each channel. This combo sounds fantastic. Its smooth and sweet sounding. These amps are built to.