I need some clarity

Hey guys, can yall give some suggestions on how to brighten the sound of my system. It consists of:
Ah! Njoe Tjeob CDP with the Burr Brown OPA627 Op-amp upgrade
Van Den Hul The Bay C5 IC
Parasound HCA 750 power amp
Acoustic Reasearch speaker wire (to be replaced soon)
Magnepan MMG

The midrange is quite nice and strong, the bass is fine, but I need more clarity and detail. My options in placement is very limited because I live in the dorm at my school, plus I have a roommate so I only have half of the room. I'm hoping I wont have to buy a pre amp with tone controls or brighter speakers. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

The late production Sovtek 6922's have about as much HF extension as most of the more desirable 6922's (exceptions would be early Amperex USA 7308's and Tungstram 6922's), so if you are not hearing HF detail then it's not the tubes.

A silver IC will change the sound. A good/inexpensive silver IC is the Homegrown Audio Super Silver (used ones show up in the classifieds) and it has an exciting sound to it.

Instead of spending more money @ this point I will suggest more time/effort in regard to setting up the system. Try placing the CD player on different surfaces, organize the cabling and experiement more with speaker placement (a few inches or degrees of angle will alter the sound of your speakers). In other words get the most out of what you already have and then go from there.

You are probably dealing with a bad room and a bad power source to start with, but fudging these factors runs into some money. Start with the easy/inexpensive things first.
If you're determined to bark up the silver IC tree (which sounds like a decent idea), I'd suggest checking out the kits available from Homegrownaudio.com. Assuming you can solder, $40 for the Super Silver (which is, in most regards, the functional equivalent of the $240 Kimber KGAC) is a no-brainer. Oops, I stand corrected, they've upped the price a bit since I got mine, looke like a 1m kit will run you about $70. Still worth a look, even if they're not quite the bargain they used to be. (And, looking above, looks like Dekay beat me to this one, too. Rats.)

I think after reading the replies that there is strong evidence that speakers are your problem. Changing tubes, ICs or speaker wire will tweak the sound but not 'change' it. Stop spending money on tweaks and save for an 'upgrade.' To answer your question about Telefunken, I have found those tubes to be darker than others, but have a very sweet sound with good bass. A tube that would add a little brightness would be Siemens (as others have suggested) or an Amprex 7308 tube. But keep in mind, its a tweak, not a fix.
Try Bybee Quantum Purifiers on the positive terminal of each speaker binding post. The cost for both is about $150, and many people have had great results with them. The frequency range you desire is precisely where they work best. The remove noise and clear up the detail in the midrange and treble. Some claim they enhance the bass as well, but I didn't notice that so much. What you will get however is cleaner highs, more distinction between instruments, sounds, and vocals that occur simultaneously. Hope this helps.
I find it both amusing and sad - how many times do audiophiles have to been reminded not to treat cable swaps, tube swaps, tweaky supports, etc. as band-aids for fundamental system shortcomings? Lawbadman has a mid-fi system right now: Fine, we all had mid-fi systems at one point - the solution is not to go spending money blind on the sorts of tweaky band-aids that audiophiles like to apply in order to max out their high end systems, the solution is to continue putting the money toward fundamental system upgrades first. The poor guy's in a cramped dorm room, and is asking about adding tone controls, fer Pete's sake (which would make a lot more of a difference, but still wouldn't address the problem) - and he's obviously got a budget to contend with - he's not in need of your tweaky-ass BS yet! He should probably put the Maggie thing on the back burner right now and get some decent small monitors while he's still in school. Whatever - you guys ought to be more responsible than to persuade our fine student to chase after silver IC's and NOS tubes when his speakers and set-up won't even allow him to hear what he's doing, much less fix his problem. Boo! :-(