Need opinion in searching for new pre-amp

Hello Audiogon member, I really need your opinions and past experiences regarding my next pre-amp choice. I currently have a BAT VK-30SE pre-amp feeding a BAT VK-60 amp. My question is, when I upgrade my pre-amp, should I stay with BAT or another brand. Would using another brand of pre-amp break up the system synergy or improve upon it. I was thinking on upgrading to Audio Research LS 25 MKII, Sonic Frontiers Line 3se or let me know your suggestion and comments. Thanks in advance for your help.
Maintaining system synergy is tough if you start mixing brands together - especially amp and preamp. It boils down to pure luck so experimentation is required if you want to try brands other than BAT. Since you asked for my opinion, I would have to suggest looking into a BAT VK-50SE since synergy is absolutely critical. Good luck! Arthur
I second Aball's suggestion unless you dislike the BAT sound and want to have a change.
Of all the TUBE preamps I've heard and used the two best are the vk30SE and the 50SE. Though I heard them about a month apart, I didn't recall a huge difference between them. I would try upgrading the amp or maybe a cable or source change. If budget allows I would keep the vk30se and buy a set of vk-150SE monoblocks. A world class combination by any measure.

For less cash, I found the vk-30SE and ARC vt100m2 combination to be absolutely wonderful. I preferred it to the sound of the vk60, but not the vk-150SE. Not by a long shot.

I've had both an LS-25, and an LS-5 mk 3 in my system. Both of them were not even in the same building as my vk-5i w/hotrod tubes. I seem to recall that the vk-30SE was better than my vk-5i. Heard them a few months apart.
I find my BAT setup a little harsh sounding, not as refine and full texture sounding as other systems, eg. ARC LS 25MKII or Sonic Frontiers Line 3. Do you guys have the same problem? I will have a chance to demo the ARC Ref.1.