Mono block suggestions

I am in the process of upgrading my amplifier(actually adding my 6th and 7th channel)the last 2 channels will act as my fronts for high performance 2 channel. Because of a lack of space in my component stand it would be very convenient to upgrade to mono blocks,and sit them right next to the front speakers. I have a 5 channel 125 watt amp. I would like to find 100-150 watt mono's. I am interested in the Pass Aleph 2's. Can I get any feed back on these,and also can any one recommend any other mono's that would fall in this range. I don't want to spend more than 2500.00(used) I'm asking for other recommendations because I'm not sure I can touch the Pass Aleph's for 2500.00 or even 3K. My front speakers are Martin Logan Clarity's. 2 channel sound now with the Acurus 125X5 is amazing.(I am also using the new Martin Logan Sub) Since I need 2 more channels for eventual 7.1,I want that final staple for my system. I would appreciate any suggestions. BTW-I'm limiting my search to solid state. Thanks
Checkout Monarchy amps.They run in ClassA which is a plus.They are said to be almost as good as the Pass amps for alot less.
I run two Classe 25 power amps for my Martin Logans and my system sounds great. You can pick up a pair of Classe CA-100 and run them mono 200 watts per channel into 4 ohms, Classe amps and Logans work nice together.
There are a few B&K Sonata's being sold on A-Gon at the moment.I would like to get them to be modified.
I don't believe the reason for monos has anything to do with convenience. If a dealer said this it tends to point out problems I personally have witnessed with some dealers who throw out unsupported information so that they can sell a product. The advantages of monos are many but several of which include isolated and dedicated power supply and dedication of internal components to the sole amp. There are others but that isn't the point. Many companies producing multichannel amps go to a lot of trouble to reduce the distinction. Saying that it is easier to use monos on a rack is a non sequitur, but a dealer characterizing that as the difference is unconsionable.
Yes,you are correct.Mono's have a few distinct advantages which in my case are valid.I will be having my crossover made being Outboard Active.It would be advantageous for me to have Mono's to do Vertical amping.

I always thought that they were produced to be dedicated to each channel which has a few benefits like isolation,lack of interference,Ch. Seperation and a few other advantages.