Music Reference RM9 - user comments please

I am considering of getting a used RM9 for my Merlin-TSM, can any user of the amp comments.
I asked the question on another forum, you ar sure the 5751 is perfectly ok in the circuit? One thing the RM10 doesn't need is more gain, so I would think that would not be an issue.
I don't see why not. I'm definitely going to try it for the same reason you're considering it. I get my amp Thursday. I'll let you know if it blows up upon use of the 5751s.

FWIW - I have a Berning Micro ZOTL I'm using as a preamp right now. It comes with 12AT7 tubes, but I have been able to use 5751 and 12AU7 with no issues. The 12AU7 lowered the gain the most. I may even try 12AU7 tubes in the RM-10.
03-07-10: Pubul57
Well, I still own the Music Reference RM9 Special Edition, I still love it, and I don't think I will ever sell it. After a few years, I starting missing my RM10 MKIIs, and bought them again this week - if 35 watts is enough power, it gives the RM9SEs a run for their money (the RM9SEs are 5x$$$).....

You know, with the Merlin VSMs it just might be that the 35watts from the RM10MKII is all I really need. I am even thinking of maybe selling my RM9 Special Edition, if I could convince myself I would not have instant buyer's remorse and the fact the Special Editions never, ever seem to come up for sale as Roger only made 16 and I get the feeling most owners will sell it at an estate sale. But, the RM10 is one hell of amp in my system.
Well, I did end up selling the RM9SE and kept the RM10 MKII for the summer
months. No question the RM9 is one of the finest tube amps there is, but the
RM10 is a wonderful amp if 35 watts is enough power for you - among the best
IMHO. Truth is, if Roger Modjeski makes it, it will be a good amp. I do wish
Roger would make an active tube line stage to match with the RM10, but he
believes passive is the way to go, and I'm not at all sure that any preamp would
better my Lightspeed Attenuator matched with the RM10, but still...:)