That's usually a relay going bad. The way to test for sure
is next time a channel cuts, instead of cycling the power
off/on, turn off the speakers and turn the volume up about
3/4 for about 5 - 10 seconds. Turn the volume back down to
normal and turn the speakers back on. If both channels are
back it's definitely a relay. Sometimes cleaning can help
sometimes they're shot beyond hope. I'm sure Mac has the
replacements if necessary.
is next time a channel cuts, instead of cycling the power
off/on, turn off the speakers and turn the volume up about
3/4 for about 5 - 10 seconds. Turn the volume back down to
normal and turn the speakers back on. If both channels are
back it's definitely a relay. Sometimes cleaning can help
sometimes they're shot beyond hope. I'm sure Mac has the
replacements if necessary.