Don't be fooled by my misanthropic diatribes. I'm a believer in the pendulum theory and feel strongly that we'll recover from our greed cycle. People are stupid in their low level reflexes, what with tying yellow ribbons for Buffoon 1 and berating the French for their sensible position versus Buffoon 2, but insofar as they blow in the wind, they will be blown back to sanity. Unless, of course, we are all blown to kingdom come.
We are in YIN times and for that reason our focus is outward and superficial but Buffoon 2 is unwittingly reversing this trend by providing us with a virtual certainty of YANG times in the near future. When our belts tighten sufficiently, we will again concern ourselves with substance.
The future, while superficially bleak, holds much promise as gutcheck time draws nigh.
Don't be fooled by my misanthropic diatribes. I'm a believer in the pendulum theory and feel strongly that we'll recover from our greed cycle. People are stupid in their low level reflexes, what with tying yellow ribbons for Buffoon 1 and berating the French for their sensible position versus Buffoon 2, but insofar as they blow in the wind, they will be blown back to sanity. Unless, of course, we are all blown to kingdom come.
We are in YIN times and for that reason our focus is outward and superficial but Buffoon 2 is unwittingly reversing this trend by providing us with a virtual certainty of YANG times in the near future. When our belts tighten sufficiently, we will again concern ourselves with substance.
The future, while superficially bleak, holds much promise as gutcheck time draws nigh.