Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?

There seems to be an excessive number of Jeff Rowland products for sale on Audiogon. I happen to be one of the sellers. In the past there would be 8 or 10 items for sale but suddenly there are double that amount of items and they seem to be selling very slowly. Does anybody have any thought on why?

Lots of activity on this thread! I use my Model 2 with a Pass Aleph P pre-amp or my Adcom GFP 750 pre-amp, or the way I currently use it-with the variable out on my Sony XA7ES player directly into the amp.
Yes, Rowland & Pass make expensive gear. And YES, most of it is exported to the Asian market.
You don't have to buy new, then both brands are much easier to afford..............
I'd buy a Model 2 but how much will I loose if I don't like it and decide to sell in 1 month?
How much, if any, better is it than Musical Fidelity A3.2cr or Audio by Van Alstine Fet valve 350ex or Blue Circle BC22 mkII? These amps are ~$1,700 new / $1,100 used, more power and newer technology too.
Cdc -- I'm not familiar with any of those products but it sounds like you answered my question. I see Rowland's stuff as somewhat timeless like a Porsche but, cool as the old Speedster may still be, anything made today would run circles around it. I can't imagine that the Model Two is all that obsolete yet but you offered three possible alternatives and it would appear that Audiogoners are shunning this amp for some reason.
As for what happens when you want to sell.....that's a crapshoot but maybe, as with stocks, it is good to buy while the market is down. A few months back I almost bought a Classe 25 for $1200. The poor guy couldn't give it away. He finally did and now they are commanding nearly $2K and are hard to find. Same way with Concentras. Sometimes there are 6 or 8 of them in our listings and at other times (like now) there aren't any. Go figure.
Is it any surprise that those who don't own and who have never owned Rowland gear bash it? This is analagous to the ugly guy saying Playboy's playmate of the month must be stupid-- she'll never sleep with him anyhow, but now he feels better because he's taken her off the pedestal. Sniping at Rowland while listening to your surround sound receiver must be comforting.

Comments like "anything made today will run circles around " are simply ignorant.

What, exactly are the huge technological advances that have been made in stereo pre-amplifier design in say, the last 15 years? For extra credit, show the validity and technical merit of these so-called advances in light of the staying power of tube preamps and amps with numerous audiophiles (many with designs that are positively antique). Show your work.

No credit for --"you old 2-channel farts are just used to that sound, that's why you like old gear"-- type answers will be given.
Delighted to have you weigh in on this topic. I agree that those who speak negatively about Rowland gear are likely doing so from a position of ignorance. To my way of thinking, Jeff Rowland has contributed more to the advancement of the High End art form than anyone else. And I'm not speaking solely of appearance when I say that. A careful investigation of his offerings will leave one better informed about State of the Art and more appreciative of the effort that can be made toward that end by one man committed to improvement and disinterested in marketing.