Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?

There seems to be an excessive number of Jeff Rowland products for sale on Audiogon. I happen to be one of the sellers. In the past there would be 8 or 10 items for sale but suddenly there are double that amount of items and they seem to be selling very slowly. Does anybody have any thought on why?
Delighted to have you weigh in on this topic. I agree that those who speak negatively about Rowland gear are likely doing so from a position of ignorance. To my way of thinking, Jeff Rowland has contributed more to the advancement of the High End art form than anyone else. And I'm not speaking solely of appearance when I say that. A careful investigation of his offerings will leave one better informed about State of the Art and more appreciative of the effort that can be made toward that end by one man committed to improvement and disinterested in marketing.
well well i am listening to my jeff rowland 8T with my consonance pre. (which by the way has the best sounding phono i have ever heard) my sources are oracle delphi MKII table and sony sacd xa777es with alon MKV millerized speakers and the music it produces is absolutely heavenly, i've owned lots of macs/krells/classe/copland just about endless systems but nothing comes even close to the 8T period
Asa's quote from his 3-11-03 post:

"4.4 trillion projected deficit + cost of Iraq "war" and occupation + Japanese impending bank implosion + $40+/barrel sweet crude + housing bubble + predominant tax breaks for top 5% + highest unemployment rate since last Bush recession + a thousand points of Perle's imperialist light + a yellow ribbon around your neck = tick, tick, tick..."

Good call Asa, especially the housing bubble part, recognizing it for what it was so early on. Now tell us, how did you know when so many of our lawmakers and policymakers didn't, hmmmm.