Audio Research sp 11 compared to the sp 10

Am looking for an AR sp 11, but have had no luck. There's a sp 10 on ebay (plus a sp 11 that has four days left) The sp 10 is still under $1100 with time to run out tomorrow. What's the difference between the two AR pre-amps? Is the sp 11 that much better than the 10? TIA
Ag insider logo xs@2xdmcneilly
If you use the phono section the SP 10 & 11 are excellent

Some of the upper end Line Stages are more resolving
The LS5 MKII or MKIII or Ref 2, LS 25

If you have an SP10 and would like to hear what it is really capable of doing with the latest capacitor upgrades look into Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sounds. He worked for ARC, Wadia and Cal and my friend's preamp was a whole different animal after his mod. I'm lining up my LS 5 soon.

I have listened extensively to the SP-10 mk 2 with nos tubes in my system. I currently have a CAT SL-1 Mk 1 which is of the same vintage as the 10. Both are excellent pre-amps and were compared in a mid 80's Stereophile along with the SP-11 by Anthony Cordesman. I always preferred the 10 over the 11, just a preference in presentation.

There is something quite magical in the midrange with the 10, great bloom and stage depth that is hard to resist. With an upgrade of better parts from Steve Huntley (I spoke with him a while back and he was using a highly modded 10 as his reference) you can't go wrong. One area it definitely separates itself from the CAT is the phono stage which is just as good as everyone above notes and the CAT is no slouch in this area. I would definitely consider the 10. Also of note is that tubes are critical for this pre.
btw Dave, don't expect that 10 to stay at 1100.00 by the end of the auction. If it is a Mk 2 it will end upwards of 2K most likely. A very desirable piece it is.