Upgrade recommendation. Richard Gray or Mcintosh.

Hi.. What should I upgrade first to get the biggest sonic improvement. I am considering upgrading my power conditioner from monster hts2000 to Richard Gray 1200 OR upgrade my Onkyo 919 (pre-amp)to the Mcintosh C42 pre-amp. your advice are greatly appreciated!

My current set up are:

B&W Nautilus 803
Mcintosh MC 352 - GREAT AMP
Rega planet 2000
MIT cables (shortgun through out)
Go with a better preamp. The Gray may be an improvement, but not like what a good preamp will give you in terms of music.

Upgrading the conditioner won't make the Onkyo ne more musical.
If you can afford the C2200 get it over the C42. I own both. The power upgrade needs to be next with the Exact power combo over the Richard Gray. It will really bring things together.
Thanks for the responses. Seems like the pre-amp will be my next upgrade. I did consider the 2200 but it is a bit over my budget. Onemug, I do have my Amp plugged directly into the wall. It was recommended by Richard Gray Tech support. At first, I was kind of hesitated but when I confirmed with Mcintosh that it will not hurt my amp, I have my MC352 plugged directly into the wall since then. the sounds is a little more dynamic and the bass has a little more control. However, the dedicated outlet for my MC352 is 15Amp. With 350w/channel, 20amp outlet would be preferred.