HELP please. phono preamp

Hi. I have just receive my new Berning ZH270 and I am waiting for some NOS Telefunken. The amp sound wonderful just out of the box (it replaces a Gryphon Callisto 2200). I am using my cd player direct to the ZH270 and it seems to go very nice. I need to buy a phono preamp (I had one inside the Callisto), and I'm not sure about a phono preamp alone or a full function preamp. I can't try them in my system (I don't live in USA). My options are: Full function preamps as Hovland HP-100 or CAT Ultimate (demo or second hand), or Supratek Syrah. Phono alone pre as Lamm LP2 or Herron. I am looking in the second hand market (except the Supratek). My phono rig: Amazon 1 turntable, Morch DP6 tonearm and Benz L0.4 cartridge (I will change to a Koetsu Rosewood in a few months). I will apreciate any advice, thank you in advance.
An Aesthetix IO would be an excellent choice. I have seen them on the used market under $3k. One of the best.
Thank you. I can't find the Aesthetix web place, I don´t know if the voltage could be changed to 220-230 v European voltage. I will still searching but if someone know the official Aesthetix web place, please let me know.

Also, yes the can have the voltage changed to your needs.

Good luck