boyfriend is getting on my way

My boyfriend is telling me that replacing my present BRYSTON 4BST with MC CORMACK DNA2 will enhanced the performance of my Monitor Audio Speaker (silver 9i), I need your honest opinion regarding the comparison performance of these two amplifier before I divorce my boyfriend, Im using a monster 2.4 biwire and sunfire tube pre-amp with 6922 nos, and CEC TL5100 cd is driving me crazy!!!!!
he is probaly right. the monster cable would have to go as well. what is your musical taste? maybe try tubes as well.
Listen to your boyfriend. He sounds like he's got good ears and is only trying to help : ) Sean
If you can give both a listen and pick the one that sounds best to you. Remember you are the one who has to live with it, not your boyfried :-)
You sound fairly young, but in time you will learn that men are always right. by all means listen and believe your boyfriend or any man for that matter. you are very welcome for this good advice. and good listening to your music too.
Speaking only to the issue of the amplifiers, I will offer that I auditioned both the Bryston 4B-ST and the McCormack DNA 2 in my system before eventually buying the 4B-ST. In my system, I preferred the sound of the 4B-ST, and I also like the fact that Bryston gear has an unconditional 20-year warranty (I have a strong value orientation toward audio gear) and unsurpassed customer service. McCormack is now owned by Conrad-Johnson, which means it is financially backed by one of the established names in high-end audio, although Steve McCormack still heads the development of the amps bearing his name.

I'm sure your boyfriend means well, but before I'd swap out the 4B-ST amp, you should audition the McCormack in your system. One thing to bear in mind here is that women generally have more acute hearing than men, particularly as we get older, so what you hear may be different than what your boyfriend hears. Don't make a final decision about your amp based solely on someone else's opinion -- as I have often said on this forum, "trust your own ears".