Newby problem with hum

I'm relatively new to this sick and exciting hobby and need some help from the experts. I am having a problem with hum. I think it's a ground loop issue, but not 100% sure. I get it when I'm switched to CDP and even louder when switched to my LP. I start hearing it when the volume control gets to about 12 o'clock and it becomes quite loud at 3 o'clock. Here's my setup...

Music Hall MMF7 w/ Goldring Eroica MC cartridge
Ah! Super Tjoeb CDP
Kimber Hero interconnects
Manley Stingray Integrated amp
Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables
Silverline Sonatas
Chang Lightspeed line filter

Any ideas would be helpful. If it is a ground issue, where should I start?


Smcull, glad to hear your hum problem is corrected, there hum wizard offers some great info!
If your looking for cables try there speaker cable as It's very good, I'm using there Statement and Plus speaker cable for my Logans, I use the Statements for the woofers and Plus for the panels and my system is sounding great. Happy Listening!
Smcull, I have not tried the AP wire but have tried the PS Audio Statements and Plus. I have Martin Logans so I use the Statements for the woofers and the Plus on the panels. I think my speaker wire search is over as I'm very happy with the sound. I also use all Lab II PC, Statement IC and there digital IC. You may consider trying the cables as they offer a 30 trial! What dont you like about the AP wire? The new Statements are the best sounding speaker cables I have tried in my system and I think I'm done with wire for now! Happy Lstening!
Js, I didn't say I was unhappy with the AP's. But then again, since I'm new to this I don't have anything to compare them to.