Amps and pre amps to improve on VMPS RM40 system

I have VMPS RM 40 speakers with a wadia 21 cd player, Classe cav-150 multi channel power amp. Interconnects are Audio Magic and speaker cables are Home grown audio.
When I listen to music which represents just a vocal, or just 1 instrument the system sounds great. Once the music gets more complex i.e. classical symphony or full on Led Zeppelin, the sound just becomes a cacaphony. Messy, unclear, no separation left, harsh, metalic and unpleasant. I want to upgrade my system but don't know where to start. Should I get a pre amp (tube or ss) should I get a better power amp. I don't want to change the speakers nor the cd player. I am tempted to get a BAT VK30SE pre amp and Conrad Johnson 12 power amp. Anybody with any thoughts?
I know that Brian Cheney uses a Plinius Amp I am not sure which one. You could call him and find out what his recommendations are very customer friendly or head over to the audio circle website and check the VMPS threads
or harmonic discord. Good Luck

I am sure a dedicated pre and 2 Ch Amp (plenty of choices) would improve sonic presentation from the RM40s. HOwever, before that I hop your RM40 has mid-panel upgrade and you have taken time to fine-tune RM40s (bass by removing/adding mass/putty, hi/mids tweaking using pots back of speakers)?..

Do call Brian-he will offer solid advice :)

Oh yeah RM40s are very revealing-once I started using them I had to discard couple of poor CD recordings! ... :)

Brian currently uses the AMPzilla 2000 amps and has retired the Plinius.

His current thinking is that the AMPzilla 2K is the best amp (top to bottom) he has heard with his RM40.
First question is do you have a source other than the CDP?

If not, suggest you look into the Spectron Musician II amp
with it's digital input and remote volume control. Use your Wadia as a tranport and pump 500 watt/ch into your
speakers. Cost $4000. retail.