First of all, the KSA150 is several generations old. The improvements that have been made by Krell are not small. First was the "S" series which was much sweeter with all the slam of the 150 and more control. Then came the FPB series which blows away even the S series, especially on the mid/highs.
The difference with preamps, in my opinion will not be as great. Of all the Krell preamps that I have had (and I've had a few), the KBL was the best bang for the buck. You can get them used for $1200 + or -. (By the way, I now use the KRC-HR with two Krell amps)
The difference with preamps, in my opinion will not be as great. Of all the Krell preamps that I have had (and I've had a few), the KBL was the best bang for the buck. You can get them used for $1200 + or -. (By the way, I now use the KRC-HR with two Krell amps)