Which Amp for ML Ascent i?


I just bought the Martin Logan Ascent i. Which amp would you choose from this list:

1. Ayre V5x
2. Plinius SA 102 Mk IV
3. PS Audio Classic 250
4. McIntosh MC 402 (Replaces the MC 352 and sounds just like it.)
5. Theta Dreadnaught II (Two channel configuration)
6. Classe Audio CA 301

My preamp is the Klyne System 7 and my CD player is the Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D. The Klyne is solid state and is voiced like a Conrad-Johnson tubed preamp. The NuVista has an analog-like quality.

I am looking for a smooth, glare free sound on classical and jazz music CDs. I don't want to spend more than $5,100, the price of the McIntosh MC 402. I don't need gobs of power; 120 watts into 8 ohms and 200 into 4 ohms seems to be enough.

Thanks for your help.
Got the MC402 for my Ascents just recently. The stats sang music like never before. Music was warmer, bodied and very musical. I was just astounded by the big improvement.
House of Music in SF had me audtion it at home. IT WAS WORTH every penny.IMO

Good luck.
I have the Ascents, and originally ran the classe CA 301. The 301 had absolute control and authority over these speakers, but was a little on the harsh side for vocals.

I brought home an ARC VT100MKIII on audition and it never left. The only time I miss the classe ca 301 is if I play very large orchestral works, such as Mahler 3 or such. For Diana, Frank and Ella, the tubes are the way to go.
I can recomend Gryphon Callisto 2100. This amplifier is fantastic and very musical with lot of authority.
Go to martinloganowners.com as you'll find much more info. I vote for Classe for SS and Audio Research for tubes and if your bi-amping stick with two identical amps as it will make your life easier. Remember speaker placement is critical also, I have owned Logans for 13 years and they can be a make it or break it as to there placement but once you find the position they will be magical. Enjoy your new speaks!