Hi Fas42,
If you can accept the explanations that Atmasphere, Mapman and Weseixas has added to what you have stated, I find it acceptable(like that matters). Their combined inputs do explain the entire list of questions that I asked about why different items sound different as well as all distortion is unwelcome. I appreciate your input... I noticed that you are fairly new, I am not an oldtimer here either, but I have read back through several threads from the years and there are arguments about the difference of harsh or grainy. We are in a very subjective hobby, we all want to help with input and sound authoritative, but what I have found is...Everyones experiences are different and that doesn't make yours right or wrong, just different... I do try to be careful about seperating fact from opinion, I believe that is where my challange or disagreement came with you, but as you can see after some nice input, your points have been reinforced/corrected. Good Listening, Tim