A pair of "warm sounding"6922 tub

Hi:Can you guys recommand a pair of "warm sounding(maybe the warmest)"6922 for Audible Illusions Modulus 3A.I am currently using SIEMENS CCa;happy with everything,but warmth.THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I'm using (pcc88=7dj8) telefunken and siemens on my
M3 with a good result.but i love tele. than siemens.
I just got another quad of tele.from ebay last tues.
For "warmth" in an AI M3A my favorite is NOS Tunsgram. You will find them to be much warmer sounding than CCA. And, as a nice bonus they are long lasting in the M3A. Now for the frosting on the cake--they cost less too. Enjoy!