Amp shopping - recommendations anyone?

Hello all. I'm thinking of treating my system to an amplifier upgrade, and would really appreciate some advice. Here's my situation.

Currently running:

Aragon 4004 Mk II
Aragon 24k Preamp
Rega Planet CD
PSB Stratus Gold i Speakers
Kimber cable throughout

I'm very happy with my PSB's and my Rega and don't plan on changing those any time soon. I'll probably tackle the preamp and cabling sometime down the road.

Things I'd like to improve in my system's sound:

- Currently a bit on the warm side
- Bass could be a little tighter
- Would like it to be "faster" (want Linn timing with PSB headroom)
- Soundstaging could be a bit better defined

I'm budgeting approximately $2,700 for the amp upgrade and am strongly leaning towards used. Contenders would include:

- Krell KSA 250
- Classe 301
- Pass Labs X250
- Bryston 7B ST
- Others?

Looking forward to any feedback or advice.

Have you considered the Aragon Palladiums...definately in your price range...they are a tremendous step above the 4004 I have had almost every aragon amp in the last 2 years..
The palladiums are by far the best monos I have had and simply better in every way than the 8002 for 2 channel and the 4004.
My second choice on your list would be the Krell
followed by the Classe...
Best of luck
Custom Audio LLC
There are a ton of amps out there and some may add a little of this and a little of that but IMHO you get a bigger improvement with a better CDP and speakers. I tried over 12 amps last year and I now realize that my system was more limited by the other components than the amp.
It sounds to me as if you are describing the exact sound characteristics of PSB Stratus Gold i's. Not saying they are inferior speakers by any stretch but that is just the way they sound. I would try and demo as many amps as possible with your speakers. And as far as your aragon amp is concerned i have found that a tubed preamp is a far better match than an ss pre.

Just my 2 cents.