Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS

I have the Logos, the newest hybrid amplifier from Pathos Acoustics. The original tubes are Sovtek 6922. Any good? I suppose I could get a much better overall sound if I upgrade to NOS tubes within the ECC88/6DJ8 family. Amperex (BBoy) and Mullard seem to be very good. But I really would like to know which are your preferences. Thanks. tgm
I bought a quad many years ago and they were too noisy in my pre-amp so I did not listen at length, but my impression was that they had somewhat less than a crystal clear tone. If I ever have an undemanding location I'll try them again.
I replaced the NOS Brimar 6922s in my power amps with Amperex 6DJ8s - first the Bugle Boys and then the Orange globe A-frames. Both were a *major* improvement. The BBs are a tad warmer and a little less detailed than the A-frames. I ended up running a mix of the two.
Find out from the manufacturer if 6DJ8s can substitute for the 6922s. The 6922s have a more"rugged" electrical spec than the 6DJ8s, hence the latter may not last very long in that circuit or produce sonic anomalies. The reverse is not true; 6922s can *always* replace 6DJ8s.
I've just decided to mod my Pathos Logos, and lo and behold, here is all the advise I could hope for, well from the remainder of my research the Telefunken e188cc seems to score the most merits, but for me now I've just got my hands on some JJ Tesla e88cc and am looking at some mullards next month, I'll keep this thread posted.

I agree the bass on the pathos is a tad bloated with my full range rig. The only other thing I miss since changing over from my CHORD SPM1200B/CPA2800 combo is the grin inducing dynamics, in every other department the Logos has it licked and then some. Any advise on regaining that'control' I sometimes pine for?

keep this thread active as I'm sure the Logos will attract many modders in the way them tubes are so easy to get at.

what's the advise on displaying tubes- mini wineracks:) testube holders;) or keep em boxed?
I am using JJ Tesla E88CC tubes on my Logos successfully,JJ tubes have good clearity with a bit warm tad and good dynamics
mid band sound with enough body which many other brands mentioned sound lean (like a ss Krell sound)comparing to JJs
the only negative aspect of jjs ,low bass a bit short and shy
but I tamed this with Virtual Dynamics Master powercord,and now I never think to upgrade my amplification,even with famous