ARC LS-5 vs SP-10/11 for Plinius SA-102

Need a preamp for my new Plinius SA-102. The Plinius is expensive and my budjet for a preamp is therefore small. I am aware that classic ARC preamps (tube) are still very good. After reading some reviews and threads I have concluded that ARC LS-5 and SP-10/11 are the most interesting models. The SP-10 seems to be the best (is it?). But I really need a word of advise here. I am not using a turntable so phono is not an issue. So, according to you, which one among these preamps is a better match for the Plinius (and why)? Thanks.
Having heard all three in familiar circumstances, I think the LS-5 would be my choice, given that you don't need a phono section. The LS-5 seems to my ears to balance the glorious classic tube sound of the SP-10 with the accuracy of the cooler, more neutral SP-11 to give a better overall presentation (kind of a best of both worlds thing). I've always felt the LS-5, particularly the revised versions of it, is one of ARC's best products, and a little underrated. Plus if your Plinius has balanced inputs, the LS-5 has balanced outputs, as I recall (you can get a balanced output from the other two using the inverted and main outs with some adaptation of your interconnects, I think, but it's a hassle).
According to your statement, the LS-15 seems to be a fine choice. In your opinion, are these classics good enough? I ask because this preamp will meet the newest (and the best, IMHO) Plinius power amp and a couple of Sonus faber Cremonas... You also talk about revised versions so I ask: what about the earlier versions, are these still a good bet? The Plinius has balanced inputs, yes. Thanks! Keep in touch.
I have not heard the SP10, though it is apparently wonderful. I don't know if it had balanced outputs, but I doubt it given its release date. I owned the Ls5 MKII, and it was fantastic. I have not heard the earlier MK I versions. Also, It is available with a remote volume control. I have seen a couple of these on Audiogon during the past month or so, for around $2000 which is a bargain.
Good luck