Bryston Vs Classe

Hi, Does anyone have direct experience with Bryston vs Classe? Specifically, this is about the new 4B-SST (300 W/ch) bryston vs the 300w/ch Classe ca301 or the 200 w/ch ca201. The speakers will be Dynaudio 3.3. Any thoughts are welcome.
I purchased the Bryston 4B-SST ( replacing the 4B-ST ) which is a HUGE improvement in every aspect. I compared the 4B-SST with the CA 301, the ML 334 and a smaller Krell amp and the 4B-SST was the overall winner. Only the ML 334 came close, but was less powerfull, and less dynamic.( soundstaging and tonal balance about the same ). My system: Nautilus 802's, TacT rcs 2.0 roomcrrection pre-amp,Sony SCD 1 and Bryston 4B-SST.
Thank you Marakanetz for correcting me about rating. I sound like an id#*&. The grainy & bright I found on my system with Bryston 4b-sst properly my speakers, or properly the Bryston was not burn in yet (It was new and borrowed from dealer). By the way, does anyone know how long these amps burn in in average, especially Bryston. The manufacture said they have their products burn in 100 hrs before shipping out. My Classe was taking quite a long time to burn in. It is a lot better now compare at the first time when I bought home. If you have experience with these burn in time, please share. Thanks.
Both Great products. Classe is truly balanced from input to output. Bryston is not. If your pre is truly balanced go Classe. If it is not, and you love the sound of the Bryston, tough to beat their 20 year warranty.
Burn-in is at very least 100 hours with music or XLO break-in tracks. Bryston's break in is with a single test tone at 10KHz, great for weeding out weak components, not so good for music. My 6B SST's are comming along nicely at about 150 hours of music and XLO break-in tracks for maybe 30 of thoes hours. I upgraded from a 4B ST and the difference in amazing. ENJOY