Matching Pre-Amp for Audio Aero Capitole MKII ?


Does anyone have suggestions as to a good pre-amp, which will match the Audio Aero Capitole MKII CD Player.

Currently, I have the CD player connected direct into a Krell KSA250 Amp and provides what I think is reasonable soundstage, good bass slam and detail utilising Pure Silver XLR interconnects.

I'm wondering if using a good pre-amp (SS or Tube) will somehow enhance the Soundstage and provide even greater performance.

Thanks for the response. I've heard the Consonance R1.1 tubed pre-amp is one of few which actually sounds better than running the Capitole direct.

Well, personally, I would have agreed with Golden Ears, but... I have compared going direct against using my Ayre K1x, and WITH the amp, the soundstage is wider, bass more tightly controlled, everything more refined...
I have tried various pre amps with my MKII and always
gone back to direct. The biggest improvement was adding
a Elrod 2 statement powercord.
I recently had my Atma-Sphere MP-1 upgraded, and I now prefer running my digital output through the preamp.

There was a very slight loss of detail, but the benefits provide by using the preamp now outweigh the benefits provided by the direct connection.
Wellfed- You ran from the digital output of your cd player to your atma-sphere preamp? How is that possible? Did you mean that your ran from your variable analog outputs(which just happen to be controled in the digital domain) from your cd player to your preamp- cause that would make a LOT more sense to me right now :) Unless of course I am confused and your atma-sphere has a DAC built in, but I wasn't aware of there preamps having a DAC section.