Looking for an amazing preamp under $700 used

This is probably a wish list for the ultimate preamp, but here goes.

1) SS preamp or hybrid (with 1 tube) max
2) Warmer, smoother sound that doesn't squash the details.
3) Having a processor loop or unity gain for tying in to HT system (great plus, but not essential)
4) Musical, with air and timbral integrity
5) Remote would be nice (but not essential)
6) Under $700 for a quality used piece.

So far I'm considering the Audiolab 8000, Mccormack TLC-1, Audio Research SL3, Forte 44, audio refinement (3.5?).

Can anyone help me narrow the list or add units I haven't considered?


No loop, no remote, 2 tubes. Really, Really nice. My first tubed piece. 4 years later, I'm 100% glass and gas.
There is an Adcom 750- on audiogon right now for 650.00 For what your looking for-this preamp is as close as you will get.
In a solid state preamp, to do what you're asking?...I'd have to agree with "Sogood" in that a passive unit is best soincally. You'll give up ultimate dynamics, but a sub might help ya.
Although, I don't understand your problem with tube pre's, or pre's with more than 1 tube per se. Why's that? I would think as long as the preamp sounds like what you want, why would it matter to you?
There's good sound to be had with some of the pre's recommended above. Best at that price however is the $1200 Cary piece! YOu might be able to find a used one, but I doubt it.
Try a used Musical Fidelity A3cr, available near your price range. This preamp has beaten several other well-respected (and much more expensive) preamps in my system. Excellent detail, dynamics, and a very tight bass response. It has remote control as well.

Forgetting the fact I have one for sale, if you don't need to be on the common brand bandwagon, check out the Museatex Meitner Pa6i preamp. Although I believe Museatex Meitner is an unknown quantity to many, the fact their prices never go much below a certain price point probably means something to those who know the gear.