Aesthetix Question

I am currently using a BAT VK31SE line stage and BAT VKP10 phono stage. These are a wonderful pair but I have to believe that elimination of the line stage would be a good thing for any system.

I see that Aesthetix puts an optional line input on their IO Phono stage with volume controls. This is fine for systems with only one other source such as CD or a Tuner. I happen to use both but if a significant improvement in sound can be obtained, I would be fine with one line input.

Here's the question: of the owners out there with this Aesthetix setup, how does it compare with other systems with separate line and phono stages? And for those that went with the Callisto and the IO, what made you decide on this pair vs only the IO with the above mentioned options? Surely the Callisto must add some additional noise or coloration or does it bring on other benefits that outweigh the weaknesses.

And one other question: for those that went with the Aesthetix with the options, did you also try the Manley Steelhead which has the same kind of benefits to not need a separate line stage?

Thank you for your comments/experiences.
That's great I am glad someone is getting some use out of his Io- it sounded good in his system- now only if he could sell the interconnect he would be free from vinyl. I wish I had more patients because there must be a lot of tweeking that can be done to aesthetix units, how ever I am lazy :)
Albert, in your comparisons of the Io-only versus the Io-plus-Callisto, you mention using the Koetsu and I'm assuming its the .02mv output Koetsu. Have you made the comparison with a higher output cartridge in the system? Just wondering if the added gain of the Callisto is making a big difference when using an extremely low output cartridge, and wondering if a less pronounced difference would exist if a higher output cartridge were in play. Best regards,
Good question Rushton. I owned a Benz Ruby 2 before the Koetsu, it had an output of only .3 MV. Therefore, my experience is more similar than different with these two cartridges.

I have not experimented with a high output cartridge, but considering the Io is capable of (approx.) 70 DB of gain, it can easily drive every amp made to full output, without exceeding the maximum output voltage.

However, gain, dynamics and headroom combined with musical "ease of presentation" are strange phenomenons. These are as difficult to explain as why two amps with the same rated power seem to perform so differently on the same speakers.

For whatever reason, having the additional gain from a preamp stage makes the music come alive. This is true with both the ARC and the Aesthetix preamp.

We all know that when the equipment has reserve and power waiting in the wings, the ability to bring the most miniscule detail or loudest passage of music to center stage makes the difference in believability.

Having said all that, there are many fine audio systems that would be improved by inserting an Io without benefit of a preamp. The two together is ideal, the Io alone is still better than many options available.

I have a bad habit of presenting things from a point of absolute. I suppose from working at perfecting two channel sound for so many years.
I want to share my experiences and thank Albert Porter for spending time to help me evaluate my system and make some recommendations.

First: The Steelhead although very quiet, detailed and fast, in my system simply was not as musical as the IO Signature. Actually the difference was significant and on different types of music.

Second: Both the Steelhead and the Io have volume controls and I listened to each unit without a line stage with the notion, that I could run the unit directly into the amps and eliminate the expence of a costly line stage. No such luck, in both instances, I was forced to reinsert the Audio Research Line stage, because it added immediacy, a much larger soundstage that extended outside the perimeter of the speakers and a vitality or palpability to the music that was missing.

Third: Changing out the tubes in the IO, in my opinion was an added bonus. To be able to extract more performance from this unit at such a reasonable cost is a deal. Once again Albert's experience paid off.

When I assembled the system initially, I felt that it had the potential to sound very natural and at times a little like live music. The mods we made to the system, in my opinion advances this process.
I use a Aesthetix Callisto Line Stage ( Signature ), not a IO, but I can say some general:

From my experience ( digital and analog ) is the use of a line stage with a phono stage always superior than a CD/analog with vol pots.

( This is something for people who want to save money and want to believe, they have made the super deal ...).

Absolutely no problems

Tubes ( NOS )
Based on my NON experience - my Magnum Dynalab MD 108 runs with stock tubes, too - with that, I use the factory ones and the unit is superior to all I listened before.
Maybe in my country with stable voltage, the unit is not that sensitive than in USA, or my System is more carefully matched than others.
I have here 235V and all is excellent.

But when Albert Porter writes, that using NOS tubes is a step forward I believe him ( I will ask him for a recommendation ..), he is a honest and a remarkable man who does it his own way.
( When his opinion about the Manley/Aesthetix is going to a seperate direction than some reviewers, I am more interested in his explanation ).

I read lots of them and honestly I get tired of them.
I don't want to discuss that, some of you will know what I mean, but I prefer the opinion from a independent user ( here Albert, me and others ....) - who use their own money to stay independent - MUCH more than from those, who find the new sensation every month.

Well, I enjoy my Aesthetix every moment I use it and when the day will come to think about a ( additional ) Phonostage, on my top list is the IO Sign. without vol. pots.