Pre-Amp Recommendation

Thinking its time to update/upgrade. Have a 10-year-old Audio Illusions Mod 3 (with phono card). Rest of system is Audio Research VT 130, Wilson Witts, Audio Research CD 2, TNT 3.5 turntable, Audio Research PH 3, and Magnum Dynalab FT 101A tuner. The only balanced front end equipment is the CD 2. Pre amp needs to have balanced out. Budget of around $2000 used. Got any recommendations?
Audio Illusions 3A! Tight bass and won't disappoint you.

I would also look at some of Dense's preamps. They make awfully good stuff, but are rare in the USA unfortunately.
Sim Audio P-5. An audio "work of art" in my opinion. Wonderful sound, built like a tank, and beautiful to boot.
Check the thread entitled "Preamp deal of the Century".

Supratek is the preamp.

I am using a Supratek Chardonnay with WE 350B's and NOS Ken Rad VT231's and it is simply amazing.
SF Line 2 (and save $$$) or Line 3. I had LS-15 and Ref 1 before, Line 3 was so much better I regreted not upgrading earlier. Prior to LS-15, I also own AI Mod 2D.
We have some similiar equipment. I would recommend that you go for just a few bucks more and look for an ARC LS5MkIII. It's ARC's best next to the Ref 1 and Ref 2. It has great medrange magic and is much better than the LS25 which sounds more clinical. It would mate great with your ARC amp, CD2 and PH3. It's truly fully balanced, has a remote and is a steal at the current prices. Good Luck!